Who doesn’t know about this one person, Surya Paloh, this figure is the owner and leader of Media Group who oversees a number of newspaper newspapers and television media such as Media Indonesia, Lampung Post and television station Metro TV.
Surya Dharma Paloh was born in Banda Aceh in 1961. Surya Paloh when he was a teenager was already familiar with the world of business, selling fish to various agricultural equipment he had done during his youth.
After starting to encourage adults and enter the world of students, Surya Paloh entered and participated actively in student organizations.
Surya Paloh then managed to become one of the leaders of the Indonesian Student Youth Action Unit (KAPPI). When the KAPPI broke up, Surya then founded the ABRI Organization of Daughters and Daughters (PP-ABRI) and had held the position of head of the North Sumatra PP-ABRI.
While still active in various student movements Surya Paloh was no less active in pursuing the business world. While still living in the city of Medan, Surya Paloh had opened a car body business and a car sales agent.
After leaving the car business, Surya also had time to open a catering service business, which has recently been known as one of the largest catering companies in Indonesia. This progress makes Surya more active in learning and uses the benefits he gets to finance organizational activities.
Starting from this, Surya Paloh became interested in the world of the press and founded a daily newspaper called Prioritas. However, not long ago the Priority print media business went bankrupt after the government revoked its license for violating the journalistic code of ethics.
The business of the press that is not easy to run does not discourage Surya Paloh. After waiting for the SIUPP that did not come out for 2 years, he then collaborated with Achmad Taufik to revive the Vista magazine. In 1989, Surya Paloh began collaborating with Drs. T. Yously Syah to manage a daily newspaper called Media Indonesia.
For permission from Drs. T. Yously Shah, Surya Paloh began to renew Media Indonesia. The way of presenting the news and the logo of Media Indonesia is made similar to the Priority newspaper made by Surya Paloh. Surya dares to take risks to deal with a number of newspaper publishers who have had decades of experience such as Kompas Group, Kartini Group, and Pos Kota Group.
The optimism and enthusiasm of a Surya Paloh manage to bring Media Indonesia to become one of the largest daily newspapers in Indonesia. The success also encouraged him to create a television station with the main content in the form of straightforward, intelligent news and factually presented in accordance with reality. The television station was later named Metro TV. Surya Paloh also collaborated with ten regional publishers to publish daily newspapers in a number of regions in Indonesia.
All the success achieved by Surya Paloh did not make him forget his small ideals which were thick with the soul of the organization. Surya Paloh then began to plunge into Indonesian politics by actively becoming a member of the House of Representatives and began collaborating with Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X to establish a party called the Democratic National (NasDem).