Indeed, being a successful entrepreneur does not look at age. Anyone has the right to success, even when he is young. This is like what was done by Dewi Sekar Arum Aprilia, a girl who was only 18 years old but was able to manage and run her own business successfully. What is done by Dewi is like we can make it as our inspiration in running a business.
The business done by Dewi Sekar Arum is running a tour and travel business. For a girl as young as that, managing a business is certainly not an easy matter. Moreover, the business that Dewi Sekar Arum was involved in was classified as a business with many competitors. Then how did Dewi run her business, and why did she choose the travel business.
Tour and travel business is one of the businesses that have broad business opportunities and segments and can be done anywhere. Beginning in 2014, the Arum Tour and Travel grew rapidly amidst various competitions between increasingly tight Tour and Travel in Indonesia.
As the Arum Tour and Travel business continue to grow, Dewi, the nickname of the owner of Arum Tour and Travel, is starting to add a variety of services that can further pamper consumers. Various transportation-related facilities are provided by Arum Travel and Tour. There are many services that can be obtained by consumers, ranging from purchasing airplane tickets, train tickets, hotel vouchers, online game vouchers, tour packages, and many others.
The various facilities provided by Arum Tour and Travel are increasingly favored by the community because of the various facilities provided.
This is what according to Dewi Sekar Arum Aprilia became the key to success of Arum Tour and Travel so that currently it has more than 22 partners spread across Indonesia with monthly turnover reaching hundreds of millions.