Perry Tristianto is a businessman from Bandung, born February 22, 1960. Perry is one of the important actors behind the success and popularity of the name of the Factory Outlet in Bandung. Not just the FO, Perry, the familiar greeting is the founder of several other successful businesses, resto rumah sosis, resto Kampung Baso dan D’Ranc and a few more.
Since childhood, Perry’s talent has been honed. It’s been intense with the business world. Since grade 2 elementary school, he has started helping his parents sell in their grocery stores. This continued until Perry was in high school. Working since childhood is not without results, the man who is now 53 years old actually gets a lot of entrepreneurship.
This made him start thinking of looking for additional pocket money. There are many things he does, such as trading bread and t-shirts. It’s not an easy thing to undergo the profession. Perry, of course, was embarrassed if he found his friend selling on the side of the road, but all he lived with sincerity.
After earning sufficient income, Perry opened a chicken farm. The livestock business can be said to be successful, in a month he can get an income of 500 thousand rupiahs, at that time the amount is certainly quite a lot, even Perry can use it as a tuition fee in Singapore by taking administration.
After graduating, Perry returned to Indonesia and became director of a record company. Unfortunately, for the past 4 years, the company was forced to close due to bankruptcy. Soon, Perry decided to sell t-shirts with images of popular singers in those days. Unexpectedly, the t-shirt that he left in the record stores was selling well, so Perry managed to open a t-shirt shop which continued with a garment business.
The year 1999 was a special year for Ellen Berkah’s husband because he managed to open a Factory Outlet Store which at that time became very phenomenal in Bandung. Therefore also, many clothing stores there also named their shop “Factory Outlets”.
From time to time FO Perry has ‘given birth’ more than 100 pieces with different names and concepts. In 2002, Perry also built the “All About Strawberry” business which was continued by establishing a sausage house restaurant 3 years ago. Perry is also currently active as a speaker at various seminars.