The world famous magazine Forbes has released a list of the 50 richest people in Indonesia in 2018. In this release, the figure of the woman who stole the attention appeared named Arini Subianto perched in number 44 on the list of 50 richest people in Indonesia and holds the title of the richest woman in Indonesia today.
In the release there was indeed one woman who was included in the list of the 50 richest people in Indonesia 2018 forbes version, namely Kartini Muljadi in number 49.
Reported by Forbes, Arini was recorded as having total net assets of 665 million US dollars (US), equivalent to Rp. 9.6 trillion.
Arini Subianto’s wealth is the largest from the oil palm and coal sector businesses which her father founded from the beginning.
Arini Subianti is the oldest child of three brothers conglomerate Benny Subianto, after the father died Arini was trusted to manage all family wealth and the father’s pioneering company.
Arini’s business network certainly cannot be separated from Benny Subianto. The father, a man from Madura, was a veteran businessman who started business from scratch as a salesman at Astra International Tbk in 1969.
Benny was later trusted by William Soeryadjaya, founder of Astra, to develop the business into the plantation and heavy equipment sectors. He also co-founded the palm oil company Astra Agro Lestari and distributor of heavy equipment United Tractor. In the two companies, Benny had held the highest position as president.
After retiring from Astra in 2002, Benny founded PT Persada Capital Investama. His business skyrocketed and he began to enter the ranks of the richest group of people in Indonesia. In 2010, Benny’s tenacity and consistency made his name in the order of 21 Forbes Indonesia’s richest people.
Persada Capital Investama works on several industrial sectors, from plantations, agriculture, construction, property, mining, to health services. One source of income is from Adaro Energy Tbk, a large mining and coal producer in Indonesia.
In 2005, Benny Subianto and Edwin Soeryadjaya (son of William Soeryadjaya) bought Adaro shares worth USD 45 million with 12.4 percent share ownership. Arini, who currently serves as commissioner at Adaro, pocketed a 0.04 percent stake.
Adaro’s performance during January-September 2017 was able to record revenue growth of up to 37.08 percent to USD 2.44 billion from the same period in the previous year of USD 1.78 billion.
The company also posted an increase in current earnings that could be distributed to the owners of the parent entity by 78.11 percent, from USD 209.11 million in January-September 2016 to USD 372.45 million in January-September 2017.
Two other major shares owned by Persada Capital are Triputra Agro Persada, palm oil and rubber producers, and crumb rubber producer Kirana Megatara.
Kirana Megatara, which on the floor in June, was a subsidiary of the Triputra Group – a company founded by Benny and his partner, Teddy P Rachmat, in 2002. Prior to the IPO, Persada Capital Investama’s shareholding in Kirana Megatara reached 30.58 percent.
Persada Capital Investama’s business direction was also recorded at PT Surya Semesta Internusa Tbk. For companies engaged in the property, construction and hospitality sector, Persada Capital has a 7.91 percent stake.
From there the coffers of the Subianto clan’s wealth were obtained. According to Arini, in his hands now, Persada Capital will expand its business to the health facilities sector. He does not want to just do business, but also embodies a humanitarian mission in his business unit.